Want to help maintain our mountain bike trails?

If you enjoy our trails, and wonder what you can do to help keep them safe and fun, then we have a couple of suggestions:

First, help us fix the water that collects in the low spots. When it rains, we close the trails so that riders don't damage the tread, and because muddy spots can be dangerous even for the most skilled riders. And the question we get often after a rain event, is "Is it ready to ride?" Because of the design of our trails, most of the tread dries very quickly and can be ridden just after it has rained. But water collects in the low areas, and stays there for hours, even days. These areas are dangerous, and riding through them creates even bigger ruts, which hold water even longer. Fortunately, there's something that can be done quickly and easily to prevent this problem -- called "de-berming" 

Watch this video to learn how to do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3yqzkwQSWY&feature=youtu.be And if you'd like to be able ride soon after it's rained, then come out with a rake and a shovel, and fix the low parts of the trails by removing the "berm" and letting the water flow off of the trail. 

Second, invasive shrubs and trees, like buckthorn and honeysuckle, grow rampantly in Wisconsin and invade our mountain bike trails. Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7E2NhEDDbE&feature=youtu.be If you have time, bring out a clippers to clear the way. The further back you can remove these invaders, the better.

Mountain Biking